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In the upper right corner of the page in the blue heading bar your name should appear, with a downward arrow next to it. If you put the mouse pointer over your name or the arrow a drop down menu will appear, it will have the following options.
Block List
Edit Profile
Log Out

If you select Edit profile this will take you to your profile setup page. Once you are on the page you can add a photo and your first and last name, as well as a "title" and a brief about me section. We encourage users to tell others about themselves, as many opportunities as conversations can arise from your skills or knowledge in fields outside of the shooting sports scope.
After that section you can add your location information.
Why add this? In the future your profile can be put on a regional information map within the website system, this will allow the site to show you events that may be local to you or events that might be of interest to you that are taking place within your area.
Next up on the Edit profile section is a following tab.
In this section you'll be able to see whom you've liked or followed as well as topics or sections of the site that you like of follow.
Below that is a notifications option. Do you want to be notified by email of replies in your posts? Or when someone mentions you? You have the option to opt in or out.
Next up do you want to hide your personal information page? you have the option to do that as well, however if you are hiding your info, you lose the ability to see the info that others have posted. once you complete this section you should press save.
This completes step 1 of setting up your profile.
0 Posts 0 Followers