About us
This is a temporary setup as a sample, of what we can possibly do with a dedicated community fourm. This setup has multiple features, and we will work on discussing and educating everyone on how this system operates.
It has a similar feel as Facebook, this is to maintain a user friendly basis for the platform. The positives, we are not regulated by conflicting rules and regulations. The page will have a set of rules, that will be determined by an agreed upon group of representitives voted on by you the members of the shooting community. Yes there will ultimately be a fee to access this site as it costs real money to use this platform. this current setup is right at $500 a year with no work being put into making it a functional page.
The alternatative is to slowly be suffocated off of traditional social media platforms until we no longer have access to freely comunicate as a group.

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New members
Michael Smith
United States -
David Pearson
United States -
tommy zachary
United States -
United States -
wesley morris
United States